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发布日期:2015-10-11 作者: 来源: 点击:









教授,博士生导师,1997年本科毕业于中南林业科技大学森林保护专业,后在星空体育佛坪国家级自然保护区管理局从事大熊猫等濒危物种保护与星空体育研究工作;2006获北京星空体育官方网站动物学硕士学位;2008年获荷兰国际遥感测绘学院(ITC)遥感与环境建模硕士学位;2014年获荷兰屯特大学(University of Twente)生态学博士学位;2015年进入星空体育星空体育官方网站星空体育从事生态学教学与星空体育研究工作,主讲《星空体育研究》、《返水最高、赔率最高、彩金最高网站》、《星空体育》等本科生及星空体育研究生课程。













1.Cui, Z.X., Zhao, W.A., Zhang, Y.S., Zhao, N.X., Shan, G.Y., Yu, X.P., & Ye, X.P.* (2022). Testing the efficacy of camera-trap sampling designs for monitoring giant pandas in a heterogeneous landscape.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(10), 14098-14110.

2.Zhao, N.X., Zhang, X.M., Shan, G.Y., & Ye, X.P.* (2021). Evaluating the Effects of Climate Change on Spatial Aggregation of Giant Pandas and Sympatric Species in a Mountainous Landscape.Animals, 11(11).

3.Yu, F.Y., Sun, Y.W., Wang, T.J., Skidmore, A.K., Ding, C.Q., & Ye, X.P.* (2021). Linking the past and present to predict the distribution of Asian crested ibis under global changes.Integrative Zoology. doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12581

4.Xu, Y.D., Huang, Y., Zhao, H.R., Yang, M.L., Zhuang, Y.Q., & Ye, X.P.* (2021). Modelling the Effects of Climate Change on the Distribution of EndangeredCypripedium japonicum in China.Forests, 12(4).

5.Zhang, Y.S., Wang, F., Cui, Z.X., Li, M., Li, X., Ye, X.P.*, & Yu, X.P.* (2021). Can we reestablish a self-sustaining population? A case study on reintroduced Crested Ibis with population viability analysis.Avian Research, 12(1).

6.Ye, X., Yu, X., & Wang, T. (2020). Investigating spatial non-stationary environmental effects on the distribution of giant pandas in the Qinling Mountains, China.Global Ecology and Conservation, 21, e00894.

7.Xue, R.H., Yu, X.P., Li, D.Q., & Ye, X.P.* (2020). Using geographically weighted regression to explore the effects of environmental heterogeneity on the space use by giant pandas in Qinling Mountains.Acta Ecologica Sinica, 40(8), 2647-2654.

8.Ye, X., Yu, X., Yu, C., Tayibazhaer, A., Xu, F., Skidmore, A. K., & Wang, T. (2018). Impacts of future climate and land cover changes on threatened mammals in the semi-arid Chinese Altai Mountains.Science of the Total Environment, 612, 775-787.

9.Ye, X., Wang, T., Skidmore, A. K., Fortin, D., Bastille-Rousseau, G., & Parrott, L. (2015). A wavelet-based approach to evaluate the roles of structural and functional landscape heterogeneity in animal space use at multiple scales.Ecography, 38(7), 740-750. doi:10.1111/ecog.00812

10.Ye, X., Skidmore, A. K., & Wang, T. (2014). Joint Effects of Habitat Heterogeneity and Species’ Life-History Traits on Population Dynamics in Spatially Structured Landscapes.PLOS ONE, 9(9), e107742.

11.Ye, X., Skidmore, A. K., & Wang, T. (2013). Within-patch habitat quality determines the resilience of specialist species in fragmented landscapes.Landscape Ecology, 28(1), 135-147.

12.Ye, X., Wang, T., & Skidmore, A. (2013). Spatial pattern of habitat quality modulates population persistence in fragmented landscapes.Ecological Research, 28(6), 949-958.

13.Wang, T., Ye, X., Skidmore, A. K., & Toxopeus, A. G. (2010). Characterizing the spatial distribution of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in fragmented forest landscapes. Journal of Biogeography, 37(5), 865-878.

14.Ye, X., Yong, Y., Yu, C., & Zhang, Z. (2007). Den selection by the giant panda in Foping Nature Reserve, China.Journal of Natural History, 41(37-40), 2529-2536.

15.Li, M., Dong, R., Tuohetahong, Y., Li, X., Zhang, H., Ye, X.P., & Yu, X.P. (2022). Impact of Allee effects on the establishment of reintroduction populations of endangered species: The case of the Crested Ibis.Global Ecology and Conservation, 35.

16.Li, M., Ye, X. P., Dong, R., Zhang, X. J., Zhang, H., & Yu, X. P. (2021). Survival rates and reproductive ecology of a reintroduced population of the Asian Crested Ibis in Shaanxi Qianhu National Wetland Park, China.Bird Conservation International, 31(3), 410-419.

17.Li, Y. F., Ye, X. P., Wang, M., Li, X., Dong, R., Huo, Z. P., & Yu, X. P. (2018). Survival rates of a reintroduced population of the Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon in Ningshan County (Shaanxi, China).Bird Conservation International, 28(1), 145-156.

18.Dong, R., Ye, X., Zhong, L., Li, X., Li, M., Wang, H., & Yu, X. (2018). Effects of breeding success, age and sex on breeding dispersal of a reintroduced population of the Crested Ibis in Ningshan County, China.Avian Research, 9.

19.Wang, M., Ye, X.-p., Li, Y.-f., Huo, Z.-p., Li, X., & Yu, X.-p. (2017). On the sustainability of a reintroduced Crested Ibis population in Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi, Central China.Restoration Ecology, 25(2), 261-268.

20.Zhou, X., Meng, X., Liu, Z., Chang, J., Wang, B., Li, M., . . . Wang, Z. (2016). Population Genomics Reveals Low Genetic Diversity and Adaptation to Hypoxia in Snub-Nosed Monkeys.Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33(10), 2670.

21.Sun, Y., Wang, T., Skidmore, A. K., Palmer, S. C. F., Ye, X., Ding, C., & Wang, Q. (2016). Predicting and understanding spatio-temporal dynamics of species recovery: implications for Asian crested ibis conservation in China.Diversity and Distributions, 22(8), 893-904.

22.Chang, J., Chen, D., Ye, X., Li, S., Liang, W., Zhang, Z., & Li, M. (2012). Coupling Genetic and Species Distribution Models to Examine the Response of the Hainan Partridge to Late Quaternary Climate.PLOS ONE, 7(11), e50286.


1.Ye, X., A. K. Skidmore, and T. J. Wang. 2014. Modelling population dynamics and persistence in fragmented landscapes. University of Twente, Faculty of ITC, Enschede. ISBN: 978-90-365-3750-6.












