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发布日期:2018-09-29 作者: 来源: 点击:










华东星空体育官方网站理学博士(生态学),Emory University博士后,现任星空体育星空体育官方网站星空体育教授、博士生导师。多年来一直从事动物分子进化遗传学相关星空体育研究,已发表学术论文20余篇,以第一或通讯作者(含共同)身份发表论文18篇,其中11篇发表在中国科学院大类分区一区期刊PNAS(2篇),Current Biology(2篇),Proceedings B(1篇)和Molecular Biology and Evolution(6篇)。2021年获中国青年报社/中国科协科学技术传播中心“强国青年科学家提名”。2013年获上海市自然科学一等奖(第二完成人)。担任中国遗传学会动物遗传学专业委员会委员,中国动物学会生物进化理论专业委员会委员,以及The Innovation和Integrative Zoology期刊青年编委。


动物视觉进化星空体育研究团队(Vision & Evolution Lab)负责人。课题组目前主要以脊椎动物视色素(Visual pigment)为对象,星空体育研究不同动物类群的明视觉和暗视觉能力及其表型演变。通过基因组大数据分析与蛋白功能实验的结合,明确现生物种或远古脊椎动物祖先的视色素表型,进而揭示不同动物类群视觉功能的演化历史及生态学意义,并阐明其遗传机理。








1. Guo J#, Chi H#, Zhang L, Song S, Rossiter SJ*,Liu Y*. 2023. Convergent evolutionary shifts in rhodopsin retinal release explain shared opsin repertoires in monotremes and crocodilians.Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 290: 20230530.

2.Gai Y#, Tian R#, Liu F#, Mu Y, Shan L, Irwin DM,Liu Y*, Xu S*, Yang G*. 2023. Diversified mammalian visual adaptations to bright- or dim-light environments.Molecular Biology and Evolution. 40: msad063.

3.Shao Y#, Zhou L#, Li F, Zhao L, Zhang B, Shao F, Chen J, Chen C, Bi X, Zhuang X, Zhu H, Hu J, Sun Z, Li X, Wang D, Rivas-González I, Wang S, Wang Y, Chen W, Li G, Lu H,Liu Y, Kuderna LFK, Farh KK, Fan P, Yu L, Li M, Liu Z, Tiley GP, Yoder AD, Roos C, Hayakawa T, Marques-Bonet T, Rogers J, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Schierup MH, Yao Y, Zhang Y, Wang W, Qi X*, Zhang G*, Wu D*. 2023. Phylogenomic analyses provide insights into primate evolution.Science. 380: 913-924.

4. Guo X, Cui Y, Irwin DM,Liu Y*. 2022. Accelerated evolution of dim-light vision-related arrestin in deep-diving amniotes.Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10: 1069088.

5.Xia Y, Cui Y, Wang A, Liu F, Chi H, Potter JHT, Williamson J, Chen X, Rossiter SJ*,Liu Y*. 2021.Convergent phenotypic evolution of rhodopsin for dim-light sensing across deep-diving vertebrates.Molecular Biology and Evolution. 38: 5726-5734.

6.Zhang X#, Chi H#, Li G, Irwin DM, Zhang S, Rossiter SJ*,Liu Y*. 2021. Parallel independent losses of g-type lysozyme genes in hairless aquatic mammals.Genome Biology and Evolution. 13: evab201.

7.Potter JHT*, Drinkwater R, Davies KTJ, Nesi N, Lim MCW, Yohe LR, Chi H, Zhang X, Levantis I, Lim BK, Witt CC, Tsagkogeorga G, dos Reis M,Liu Y, Furey W, Whitley MJ, Aksentijevic D, Davalos LM, Rossiter SJ*. 2021. Nectar-feeding bats and birds show parallel molecular adaptations in sugar metabolism enzymes.Current Biology. 31: 4667-4674.

8.Chi H, Cui Y, Rossiter SJ,Liu Y*. 2020. Convergent spectral shifts to blue-green vision in mammals extends the known sensitivity of vertebrate M/LWS pigments.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117: 8303-8305.

9.He C#, Wei Y#, Zhu Y, Xia Y, Irwin DM,Liu Y*. 2019. Adaptive evolution of c-type lysozyme in vampire bats.Journal of Molecular Evolution. 87: 309-316.

10.Liu Y*, Cui Y, Chi H, Xia Y, Liu H, Rossiter SJ*, Zhang S*. 2019. Scotopic rod vision in tetrapods arose from multiple early adaptive shifts in the rate of retinal release.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116: 12627-12628.

11.Li L, Chi H, Liu H, Xia Y, Irwin DM, Zhang S*,Liu Y*. 2018. Retention and losses of ultraviolet-sensitive visual pigments in bats.Scientific Reports. 8:11933.

12.Liu Y*, Chi H, Li L, Rossiter SJ, Zhang S*. 2018. Molecular data support an early shift to an intermediate-light niche in the evolution of mammals.Molecular Biology and Evolution. 35: 1130-1134.

13. Yokoyama S*, Altun A, Jia H, Yang H, Koyama T, Faggionato D,Liu Y, Starmer WT. 2015. Adaptive evolutionary paths from UV reception to sensing violet light by epistatic interactions.Science Advances. 1: e1500162.

14.Liu Y#, He G#, Xu H, Han X, Jones G, Rossiter SJ*, Zhang S*. 2014. Adaptive functional diversification of lysozyme in insectivorous bats.Molecular Biology and Evolution. 31: 2829-2835.

15.Liu Y#, Xu H#, Yuan X, Rossiter SJ, Zhang S*. 2012. Multiple adaptive losses of alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase mitochondrial targeting in fruit-eating bats.Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29: 1507-1511.

16.Liu Y#, Han N#, Franchini LF#, Xu H, Pisciottano F, Elgoyhen AB, Rajan KE, Zhang S*. 2012. The voltage-gated potassium channel subfamily KQT member 4 (KCNQ4) displays parallel evolution in echolocating bats.Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29: 1441-1450.

17.Liu Y, Rossiter SJ*, Han X, Cotton JA, Zhang S*. 2010. Cetaceans on a molecular fast track to ultrasonic hearing.Current Biology. 20: 1834-1839.

18.Liu Y, Cotton JA*, Shen B, Han X, Rossiter SJ*, Zhang S*. 2010. Convergent sequence evolution between echolocating bats and dolphins.Current Biology. 20: R53-R54.