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发布日期:2017-09-22 作者: 来源: 点击:










杨文,副教授,博士生导师。主要从事生态系统生态学、生态系统碳氮循环和微生物生态学星空体育研究。目前公开发表SCI论文40余篇,其中星空体育研究成果以第一或通讯作者发表在Science of the Total Environment、Catena、Plant and Soil、Applied Soil Ecology等国际期刊上。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目、星空体育省自然科学基础星空体育研究计划项目及中央高校基本科研业务费专项共9项,参与国家重大课题共3项。教学工作:从事《星空体育》、《星空体育》、《星空体育》、《星空体育官方网站》、《生态学星空体育研究方法与论文写作》、《星空体育官方网站》、《星空体育》等课程及生态学野外实习等本科生课程,和《星空体育》星空体育研究生课程。主持校级教学改革项目1项,发表教学论文3篇。





2018年9月—2019年9月 美国北亚利桑那大学,访问学者,合作导师:骆亦其




1. 主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,黄土高原自然植被恢复下土壤有机碳氮库对氮沉降的响应及其驱动机制,2021.1.1-2024.12.31,项目批准号:32071632

2. 主持 国家自然科学基金青年项目,互花米草入侵对中国东部滨海湿地土壤有机碳氮库的影响及微生物生态学机理星空体育研究,2017.1.1-2018.12.31,项目批准号:31600427

3. 主持星空体育省自然科学基金面上项目,长期自然植被恢复对黄土高原子午岭脆弱生态系统土壤有机碳氮库的影响及其微生物驱动机制,2022.1.1-2023.12.31,项目批准号:2022JM-114

4. 主持 星空体育省自然科学基金青年项目,黄土高原子午岭森林辽东栎次生林恢复对土壤有机碳氮库的影响机理,2019.1.1-2020.12.31,项目批准号:2019JQ-666

5. 主持 中国博士后科学基金面上资助(一等资助)项目,互花米草入侵对中国滨海湿地土壤微生物多样性的影响,2016.05-2017.12,项目批准号:2016M590440

6. 主持星空体育星空体育官方网站中央高校基本科研业务费专项,森林次生植被恢复对土壤有机碳氮库的影响及微生物生态学调控机制,2020.1.1-2021.12.31,项目批准号:GK202003051

7. 主持星空体育星空体育官方网站中央高校基本科研业务费专项,黄土高原子午岭区辽东栎次生林恢复对土壤有机碳氮库的动态影响,2018.1.1-2019.12.31,项目批准号:GK201803042

8. 主持星空体育星空体育官方网站人才引进经费,秦岭森林生态系统不同天然次生林类型对森林土壤有机碳氮库及微生物结构多样性的影响,2017.9.1-2020.8.31

9. 主持 南京大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项,互花米草入侵对中国东部滨海湿地土壤有机碳氮库的影响及微生物生态学机理星空体育研究,2016.06-2018.12,项目批准号:020814380042

10. 参与 国家科技部基础星空体育研究973项目课题,围填海对湿地生态服务功能影响评估和资源可持续利用,2013.01-2017.12,项目编号2013CB430405,8/25

11. 参与 国家科技重大专项子课题,淮河流域水生态功能三级四级分区星空体育研究, 2012.01-2015.12,项目编号2012ZX07501002-003,21/51

参与 国家科技重大专项课题,淮河流域(河南段)水生态修复关键技术星空体育研究与示范,2012.01-2015.12,项目编号2012ZX07204-004,54/61



1. Zhang, H., Yang, X.T., Yin, Z., Wang, J.H., Wang, J.S., An, S.Q., Cheng, X.L.,Yang, W*. Invasion of exoticSpartina alterniflora alters the size, availability, and stability of the soil phosphorus pool in the coastal wetlands of Eastern China.Catena, 2024,239, 107909.

2. Yang, W*., Zhang, D., Cai, X.W., Yang X.T., Zhang H., Wang Y.Q., Diao, L.F., Luo Y.Q., Cheng X.L. Natural revegetation over ~ 160 years alters carbon and nitrogen sequestration and stabilization in soil organic matter on the Loess Plateau of China.Catena, 2023, 220, 106647.

3. Cai, X.W., Zhang, D., Wang, Y.Q., Diao, L.F, Cheng, X.L., Luo, Y.Q., An, S.Q.,Yang, W*.Shift in soil microbial communities along ~160 years of natural vegetation restoration on the Loess Plateau of China.Applied Soil Ecology, 2022, 173, 104394.

4. Yang, W*., Diao L.F, Wang Y.Q., Yang X.T., Zhang H, Wang J.S., Luo Y.Q., An, S.Q., Cheng, X.L. Responses of soil fungal communities and functional guilds to ~160 years of natural revegetation in the Loess Plateau of China.Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13, 967565.

5. Zhang, D., Cai, X.W., Diao, L.F., Wang, Y.Q., Wang, J.S., An, S.Q., Cheng, X.L.,Yang, W*. Changes in soil organic carbon and nitrogen pool sizes, dynamics, and biochemical stability during ~160 years natural vegetation restoration on the Loess Plateau, China.Catena, 2022, 211, 106014.

6. Yang, W*., Cai, X.W.; Wang, Y.Q., Diao, L.F., Xia, L.; An, S.Q., Luo, Y.Q., Cheng, X.L. Increased soil bacterial abundance but decreased bacterial diversity and shifted bacterial community composition following secondary succession of old-field.Forests, 2022,13, 1628.

7. Feng, Y.H., Qiao, Y.J., Xia, L*., Yang, W*.,Zhao, Y.Q., Jeelani, N., An, S.Q.The responses of soil bacterial and archaeal communities to coastal embankments in three typical salt marshes of Eastern China.Plant Soil, 2022,477, 439–459.

8. Feng, Y.H., Zhao, H., Xia, L*., Yang, W*., Zhao, Y.Q., Jeelani, N., An, S.Q.Nitrogen cycling in plant and soil subsystems is driven by changes in soil salinity following coastal embankment in typical coastal saltmarsh ecosystems of Eastern China.Ecological Engineering, 2022,174, 106467.

9. Yang, W*., Jeelani, N., Cai, A.D., Cheng, X.L., An, S.Q. Coastal reclamation alters soil microbial communities following different land use patterns in the Eastern coastal zone of China.Scientific Reports, 2021,11, 7265.

10. Yang, W*., Cai, A.D., Wang, J.S., Luo, Y.Q., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q. ExoticSpartina alterniflora Loisel. Invasion significantly shifts soil bacterial communities with the successional gradient of saltmarsh in eastern China.Plant and Soil, 2020,449, 97–115.

11. Yang, W*., Zhang, D., Cai, X.W., Xia, L., Luo, Y.Q., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q. Significant alterations in soil fungal communities along a chronosequence ofSpartina alterniflora invasion in a Chinese Yellow Sea coastal wetland.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 693, 133548.

12. Yang, W*., Nasreen, J., Zhu, Z.H., Luo, Y.Q., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q. Alterations in soil bacterial community in relation toSpartina alterniflora Loisel. invasion chronosequence in the eastern Chinese coastal wetlands.Applied Soil Ecology, 2019, 135, 38–43.

13. Yang, W*., Xia, L., Zhu, Z.H., Jiang, L.F., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q. Shift in soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools in different reclaimed lands following intensive coastal reclamation on the coasts of eastern China.Scientific Reports 2019, 9, 5921, DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-42048-6.

14. Yang, W*., Nasreen, J., Xia, L., Zhu, Z.H., Luo, Y.Q., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q. Soil fungal communities vary with invasion by the exoticSpartina alternifolia Loisel. in coastal salt marshes of eastern China. Plant and Soil, 2019,442, 215–232.

15. Yang, W., Zhao, H., Leng, X*., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics followingSpartina alterniflora invasion in a coastal wetland of eastern China.Catena, 2017, 156, 281–289.

16. Yang, W., Qiao, Y.J., Li, N., Zhao, H., Yang, R., Leng, X.*., Cheng X.L*., An, S.Q. Seawall construction alters soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics and soil microbial biomass in an invasive Spartina alterniflorasalt marsh in eastern China. Applied Soil Ecology, 2017, 110, 1–11.

17. Yang, W., Yan, Y.E., Jiang, F., Leng, X*., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q. Response of the soil microbial community composition and biomass to a short-termSpartina alterniflorainvasion in a coastal wetland of eastern China. Plant and Soil, 2016, 408, 443–456.

18. Yang, W., Jeelani, N., Leng, X*., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q.Spartina alterniflora invasion alters soil microbial community composition and microbial respiration following invasion chronosequence in a coastal wetland of China.Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 26880; doi: 10.1038/srep26880.

19. Yang, W., An, S.Q., Zhao, H., Xu, L.Q., Qiao, Y.J., Cheng, X.L*. Impacts ofSpartina alterniflora invasion on soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools sizes, stability, and turnover in a coastal salt marsh of eastern China.Ecological Engineering, 2016, 86, 174–182.

20. Yang, W., Li, N., Leng, X*., Qiao, Y.J., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q. The impact of sea embankment reclamation on soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools in invasiveSpartina alternifloraand nativeSuaeda salsa salt marshes in eastern China.Ecological Engineering, 2016, 97, 582–592.

21. Yang, W., An S.Q., Zhao H., Fang S.B., Xia L., Xiao Y., Qiao Y.J., Cheng X.L*. Labile and recalcitrant soil carbon and nitrogen pools in tidal salt marshes of Eastern Chinese coast as affected by short-term C4 plantSpartina alterniflora invasion.Clean–Soil, Air, Water, 2015, 43, 872–880.

22. Xia, L., Zhao, H., Yang, W*., An, S.Q*. Genetic diversity, ecotype hybrid, and mixture of invasiveSpartina alternifloraLoisel in coastal China. Clean –Soil, Air, Water, 2015, 43 (12), 1672–1681.

23. Yang, W., Zhao H., Chen X.L., Yin S.L., Cheng X.L*., An S.Q. Consequences of short-term C4 plantSpartina alterniflora invasions for soil organic carbon dynamics in a coastal wetland of Eastern China.Ecological Engineering, 2013, 61, 50–57.


24. Yang, L., Niu, S.L., Tian, D.S., Zhuang, C.Y., Liu, W.G., Yu, Z., Yan, T.,Yang, W., Zhao, X.H., Wang, J.S*., A global synthesis reveals increases in soil greenhouse gas emissions under forest thinning.Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 804, 150225.

25. Yang, L., Pan, J.X., Wang, J.S., Tian, D.S., Zhang, C.Y., Zhao, X.H., Hu, J.,Yang, W., Yan, Y.J., Ma, F.F., Chen, W.N., Quan, Q., Wang, P.Y., Niu, S.L. Soil microbial respiration adapts to higher and longer warming experiments at the global scale.Environmental Research Letters, 2023, 18, 034044.

26. Qin, G., Feng, H., Zhao, H., Xia, L.,Yang, W., Zhao, Y., Jeelani, N., An, S.Q. Seasonal soil-plant nitrogen dynamics of a cordgrass salt marsh in response to coastal embankments in Eastern China.Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9, 959144.

27. Cai, A.D., Liang, G.P., Yang, W.,Zhu, J., Han, T.F., Zhang, WJ, Xu, M.G. Patterns and driving factors of litter decomposition across Chinese terrestrial ecosystems.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 278, 123964.

28. Yang, L., Wang, N., Chen, Y.,Yang, W., Tian, D.S., Zhang, C.Y., Zhao, X.H., Niu, S.L. Carbon management practices regulate soil bacterial ommunities in response to nitrogen addition in a pine forest.Plant and Soil, 2020,http://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-020-04570-9.

29. Xia, L.,Yang, W., Geng, Q.F., Jeelani, N*., An, S.Q*. Research onSpartina alterniflora using molecular biological techniques: an overview.Marine and Freshwater Research, 2020,DOI: 10.1071/MF19255.

30. Nasreen, J.,Yang, W., Qiao, Y.J., Li, J.J., An, S.Q. Individual and combined effects of cadmium and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.Interational Journal of Phytoremdiation 2018, 20, 773–779.

31. Li, N.,Yang, W., Xu, L.Q., Jia, X.B., An, S.Q., Fang, S.B*.Two comparative approaches to identify the conservation priority areas impacted by heavy metals on Yellow Sea coasts.Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s11852-016-0488-y.

32. Zhao, H.,Yang, W., Xia, L., Qiao, Y.J., Xiao, Y., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q*. Nitrogen-enriched eutrophication promotes the invasion ofSpartina alterniflora in coastal China.Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 2015,43 (2), 244–250.

33. Nasreen, J.,Yang, W., Xu, L.Q., Qiao, Y.J., An, S.Q., Leng, X., Phytoremediation potential ofAcorus calamus in soils cocontaminated with cadmium and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 8028, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07831-3.

34. Zhao, H.,Yang, W., Fang, C., Qiao, Y.J., Xiao, Y., Cheng, X.L*., An, S.Q*.Effects of tidewater and crab burrowing on H2S emission and sulfur storage inSpartina alternifloramarsh.Clean – Soil, Air, Water 43, 2015, (12), 1682–1688.

35. Qiao, Y.J., Yang, W., Zhao, Y.X.,Nasreen, J., Xu, L.Q., Zhao, X., Zhang, Y.N., An, S.Q., Leng, X. HowSpartina alternifloraadapts to a new environment created by embankment reclamation through C-N-P stoichiometry in the coastal wetlands of eastern China.Marine and Freshwater Research, 2018. DOI: 10.1071/MF17374.

36. Xia, L.,Yang, W., Zhao, H., Xiao, Y., Qing, H., Zhou, C.F., An, S.Q*.High soil sulfur promotes invasion of exoticSpartina alterniflorainto nativePhragmites australis marsh.Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 2015, 43 (12), 1666–1671.

37. Li, N.,Yang, W., Fang, S.B., Li, X.H., Liu, Z.C., Leng, X*., An, S.Q.Dispersal of invasivePhytolacca americanaseeds by birds in an urban garden in China. Integrative Zoology, 2017, 12, 26–31.

38. Xiao, Y., Zhao, H.,Yang, W., Qing, H., Zhou, C.F., Tang, J.B., An, S.Q*. Variations ingrowth, clonal and sexual reproduction ofSpartina alterniflora responding to changes in clonal integration and sand burial.Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 2015,43 (7), 1100–1106.

39. Xu, L.Q.,Yang, W., Jiang, F., Qiao, Y.J., Yan, Y.E., An, S.Q., Leng, X*. Effects of reclamation on heavy metal pollution in a coastal wetland reserve.Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s11852-016-0438-8.

40. Zhou, L.Y., Yin, S.L., An, S.Q., Yang, W., Deng, Q., Xie, D., Ji, H.T., Ouyang, Y., Cheng, X.L*. Spartina alterniflora invasion alters carbon exchange and soil organic carbon in eastern salt marsh of China. Clean – Soil, Air, Water,2015,43 (4), 569–576.

41. Jeelani, N.,Yang, W., Xia, L., Zhu, H.L., An, S.Q. Ecosystem threats and management strategies for wetlands in China.Marine and Freshwater Research. 2020,http://doi.org/10.1071/MF19366.

42. Jeelani, N.,Yang, W., Zhu, H.L., An, S.Q.Phytoremediation for co-contaminated soils of cadmium and pyrene usingPhragmites australis (common reed). International Journal of Phytoremediation. http://doi.org/10.1080/15226514.2020.1780411.

颜凤,李宁,杨文,乔亚军,安树青,围填海对湿地水鸟种群、行为和栖息地的影响。生态学杂志,2017,36 (7) DOI:10.13292/j.1000-4890.201707.003.


担任Science of the Total Environment、Land Degradation & Development、Frontiers in Plant Science、Plant and Soil、Ecological Engineering等国际学术期刊的审稿人。




